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Quantum Biology & Multidimensional Life by Sarah Ikerd - Essay

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Updated: Apr 28, 2022

Within this grand cosmic environment, we participate in a spiraling ladder of evolution, not unlike the DNA helix. And when world-shaking events occur, or big ideas come along, they affect our developmental tree of decisions and the choices we make as a species and as individuals. Then, we must grow and adapt within this magnificent web of intercausality.

One big set of ideas calling for more growth comes from an emergent ideology called “Quantum Biology,” which is an offshoot of Quantum Physics. Keep in mind that these are formal academic words for much larger, even philosophical concepts that expand our consciousness and awareness. Now it can be said that not everybody out there is on the same page of self-awareness. There are levels. But everyone has the opportunity should they choose to keep learning and exposing themselves to new ideas. Though it’s also said that under this vast umbrella, called the universe, there’s nothing entirely new, but everything is traced back to the same building blocks.

In Her Image (, DMCA)

Quantum Physics is the study of these building blocks, the unseen forces, and with Quantum Biology their interaction and entanglement with our cellular systems. Some define these quanta as packets of light energy, or photons, infinitesimal yet cosmically important movers and balancers of everyday operations, and the elementals of all matter. ¹ And having such importance, they have their own set of special behaviors, such as being able to teleport or translocate as you see in a science fiction movie. That science fiction is based on reality though. Have you ever noticed how the visions and fantasies, which capture our imaginations the most, come into being? There are lots of examples, and perhaps we have the quanta, to thank as helpers.

Whatever your feelings or beliefs about the immaterial, it’s clear that there is a grand design at play; from the neurons in your brain to the branches of a tree — a work of art. There are many names for the subatomic energies that help move these pieces and comprise the fabric of existence, such as the quark, proton, electron, and neutrino. These particles have been observed as having dual wave and particle function, among possibly other different behaviors. Sand is an excellent example of a dual function that’s within our visual spectrum. That’s because the sand can exist as grains, particles, or as a larger wave; the dune crests you can clearly see. There are even different types of sand grains, depending on what mineral it’s made of.

This is a suitable analogy for the many discovered “flavors” of quantum particles. As the ancient Emerald Tablet stated in a phrase that has again become popular today: “As above, so below.” The forms that we see on different levels of existence have counterparts or similar structures in other levels or dimensions. The grains of sand form the larger structure of the dune, and then the dune interacts with the environment as a wave, and so on. Then behind the scenes, on the fundamental level, you have those cheeky little subatomic particles.

This is far from introducing the vast network or web of existence, which we see part of, and yet don’t see all of. You could say this is a quantum physics concept, or the holographic, or fractal universe. However, something very similar can be traced back 3,000 years to the Mahayana school of Buddhism.² The Atharva Veda states:

“If untold buddha-lands are reduced to atoms, in one atom are untold lands, and as in one, so in each. The atoms to which these buddha-lands are reduced in an instant are unspeakable, And so are the atoms of continuous reduction moment to moment going on for untold eons; these atoms contain lands unspeakably many, and the atoms in these lands are even harder to tell of.”³

Much later on in the 70s, author Francis Cook eloquently described Indra’s Net as follows:

“Far away in the heavenly abode of the great god Indra, there is a wonderful net which has been hung by some cunning artificer in such a manner that it stretches out infinitely in all directions. In accordance with the extravagant tastes of deities, the artificer has hung a single glittering jewel in each ‘eye’ of the net, and since the net itself is infinite in dimension, the jewels are infinite in number. There hang the jewels, glittering “like” stars in the first magnitude, a wonderful sight to behold. If we now arbitrarily select one of these jewels for inspection and look closely at it, we will discover that in its polished surface there are reflected all the other jewels in the net, infinite in number. Not only that, but each of the jewels reflected in this one jewel is also reflecting all the other jewels, so that there is an infinite reflecting process occurring.”

Many Perspectives. Worlds Within Worlds (Juergen Faelchle -

Now that we’ve reflected on the crystal web of Indra’s Net — pun intended — that compliments the holographic and fractal universe conversations, let’s explore, through that gateway, some of the fascinating concepts in Quantum Biology and the quantum behaviors that affect and assist physiological processes. And in learning about another level of existence, we inevitably learn more about ourselves and our potential. More so, we can appreciate the world around us and within us that much more.

The first concept is Entanglement. The simplest definition of that is one thing affecting another and thus relationships. When it comes to human relationships, one person can be affected by another, even at a distance, by thinking about the person and the associated events. It seems to work the same way with particles. One can be affected by another and exchange information at a distance. With particles, that happens instantaneously. They can even overcome seemingly impossible barriers by “quantum tunneling.”

Several recent proofs include one experiment from MIT involving light from ancient quasars “that two particles, no matter how distant from each other in space and time, can be inextricably linked.”⁵ The concept of a large interconnected structure made of the same material takes place. Not only that, descriptions of particle “spooky action” ⁶ are not unlike what happens with thought and the human brain, and Google quantum computing emulates this, because when a thought occurs, there may be “cause and effect”, but it’s not a mechanical series, it’s a cloud of entanglement that happens instantaneously. Technology using quantum processes is at the forefront of innovations right now, especially in terms of communications, data transmissions, as well as biotech.⁷

Quantum behavior is familiar to us in that the atomic and subatomic are part of us. Perhaps this universal landscape functions as a giant organism. The brilliant mind and father of wireless technology, Nikola Tesla, made practical use of that belief in pervasive intelligence. Indeed, there’s overwhelming visible evidence that the universe has an intelligent design and even consciousness. Yet, it’s surprising that a lot of scientists don’t accept that possibility. Perhaps it’s controversial because both science and spirituality would exist, and by extension, so would ethics in conduct. Overall, it doesn’t make much sense that we could originate from something unconscious.

Further delving into entanglement is “the observer effect,” an offshoot of relativity. Simply, this refers to how a subject of observation is affected by being observed. The most basic example is observing something and then changing it, like an item that needs repair. Examples in quantum physics experiments are by contrast somewhat bizarre. These experiments include particles changing behavior depending on what researchers are measuring, or even expect. The observer effect comes from the eye of the beholder, something we actually experience daily the perspective of the seer. If someone’s watching us do something, it affects the experience and the outcome.

This again lines up with the concept of Indra’s net and intercausality. Within the structure, there’s also freedom of choice, which is your choice of what to focus on, how to feel, and what to believe, based on the sensory data. A reality of interconnectedness could be looked at, as either elegantly simple or extravagantly complex and everything in between. Within this model, each person possesses an eye of perspective, for their personal experience or parallel/pocket universe, yet the greater universe is the aggregate of organisms within a larger whole — not unlike the human body.

Entanglement, the observer effect, and relativistic time have philosophical roots in Hinduism, a spiritual tradition that allows for a noble multiplicity of reality. In fact, pioneer quantum physicist Erwin Schrödinger was a devotee of the Upanishads, which he perceived as beautiful guiding texts.⁸ Him and Einstein, in a way, rebranded and elaborated on the already existing philosophies. And there’s a saying that, if you look hard enough for something, you’ll find it. Prolonged and consistent focused attention is a powerful energy that leads to profound results.

The tree of philosophy or human thought branches into roads of discovery. The Hindu Upanishads have inspired many and continue to do so. This brings us to the next concept of Resonance. At our level of familiarity, the transmission of philosophy or ideas, are great examples. If an idea “resonates” with us, we become interested, and then perhaps actively engaged with it. It’s a fascinating metaphysical process that in part happens on the quantum or atomic level. Quantum resonance involves energy transfer, between atoms or molecules. Energy or information exchange happens on all levels of life.

When it comes to human biology, quantum processes have been linked to enzyme catalysis, sense of smell, DNA structuring, and restructuring, and thought — just to name a few. With plants; photosynthesis and with animals; navigation.⁹ From slowing downtime at the DNA/molecular level, to treating Alzheimer’s and autism,¹⁰ to prolonging life, to upscaling quantum tunneling and translocation for teleportation; the potential for new levels of understanding, and thus revolutionary new treatments and technologies, is immense.


1. “The future of quantum biology,” Journal Of The Royal Society,

3. Cleary. The Flower Ornament Scripture A Translation of the Avatamsaka Sutra, 1993, page 891-92

4. Cook, Francis H. (1977), Hua-Yen Buddhism: The Jewel Net of Indra, Penn State Press

5. “Light from ancient quasars helps confirm quantum entanglement” | Jennifer Chu | MIT News Office, Publication Date: August 19, 2018,

6. “China Shatters ‘Spooky Action at a Distance’ Record, Preps for Quantum Internet” By Lee Billings on June 15, 2017,

7. “Resonance Energy Transfer: From Fundamental Theory to Recent Applications” Garth A. Jones and David S. Bradshaw, School of Chemistry, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom, Frontiers In Physics, 12 July 2019,

8. “What Erwin Schrödinger Said About the Upanishads,” 05/09/2020, VIRAJ KULKARNI, The Wire,

9. “Quantum effects in biology: golden rule in enzymes, olfaction, photosynthesis and magnetodetection,” Jennifer C. Brookes, 2017,!po=0.769231

10. “On the impact of quantum biology and relativistic time dilation in autism,” Marco Ruggiero, Stefania Pacini, AIMS Molecular Science, 2018, Volume 5, Issue 1,


A Question For IM Readers:

Which Part Of Quantum Biology Do You Think Will Have The Greatest Impact On Our Lives?

Share your thoughts below!



Sarah Ikerd lives in Somerville / Greater Boston, MA. She is an Olympic Weightlifting Coach, a longevitist, musician, artist, and activist. She is the owner of Studio Shangri-La.


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